
Results for: SEO

You are missing whether LinkedIn and mailers are relevant to your target customers and also how they use these media, if your targeting was accurate. - (Buyer Personas GOOD NEWS. Many CEOs of small companies are active on LinkedIn and even write their own content, but I can...


The previous answers given here are great, but I've copied a trick from legendary investor Monish Pabrai that I've used in previous startups that seems to work wonders -- especially if your company does direct B2B sales. Many Founders/ CEOs are hung up on having the Founder/ CEO/ President titl...


100% yes. Make sure it works in your area. Having a regional manager or CEO doesn't make sense at all. Not for the market, not for investors, not for you either. The Founder-CEO should be able to pull it off, otherwise you don't seem like a good bet as a product or as an investable venture.


I help clients leverage and monetize their patents in a variety of ways. One of the best methods is to attend and exhibit at trade shows in your field. Targeting startups may be one approach, but that's not the only market for your patent. I'd be happy to talk with you about identifying the be...


Your question seems a bit too general to give a good answer without anymore context. If you are talking about skills for a specific job or industry, then following and talking with industry experts is enough. If you are talking about trends to help with your own business, then obviously it depend...


Start up ideas cannot be fabricated like that. The best start ups ideas come from the "why" and solve a problem that the person is passionate about. It's not just coming up with an idea, it's about whether the idea is solving a problem along with its acceptance and sustainability. As far as bei...


Typically people are going to want to see an example of your work. A success story. It sounds like you are still entertaining the idea though and most likely don't have a real-world example to showcase. If this is the case, I would suggest trying to start with a close friend or family member...


Having been in senior management and a CEO for many years, I have found that delegating is not only a skill but also an art. You question is very interesting as I assume that in most situations you would be delegating to people more skilled or more knowledgeable about the task or project than yo...


I would love to help you with this please feel free to book a call with me and I will collaborate with you to build your network. To fully help you I would need to better understand your goals and the network you need built. Just having connections is not a valuable network. Your network is on...


A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. But, you're trying to hold the entire bush, keeping birds inside. You want a job, want to work inside the incubator, but don't want to work for startup. I'd advise you to listen to the CEO and try to understand his perspective and preference. But, don't ...


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