
Results for: Sales

If you want to learn about marketing and distribution your product then go for where you will meet many professionals about marketing and strategy about selling your product. where you can ask any question about your business too. they are answering questions with tiny amount. jus...


If you look at current stats for tourists and travellers, they want fast, technical experiences. Over 60 - 70% want instant bookings by looking on their mobile and getting the confirmation they need. You will attract more individuals by giving them the user experience they are looking for. With ...


Membership sites are a pain in the ass. Let me start there. I've had dozens of clients start membership sites, and the only ones who've kept it alive had huge audiences to begin with. The problem is that a membership site has two things to offer: exclusive information and community. Exclusi...


Depends. If the order is a few thousand dollars, you should have it setup to let them wire you the money or even checks (if the company is in the US). Normally, for products up to $2K, companies take care of it with credit card. For higher products, you should encourage them to contact you. If ...


I recommend targeting the brand owners/marketing departments directly. You then can likely find out the decision makers and can make your pitch directly to them. I have found this easier than going through ad agencies.


Do pro-bono work with brands and influencers locally. You have to figure out your angle (and maybe you have) But I personally would begin to network with small businesses in the area who have worked with influencers. I would go in an say that I want to enhance the work that's being done with i...


1. Platforms like Clarity. 2. A good - quality - presence on LinkedIn. 3. A website with quality content and incoming links. 4. Networking in general. 5. Paid advertising. I've successfully helped over 350 entrepreneurs, startups and businesses, and I would be happy to help you. After sched...


This might be in my wheelhouse, but if not, I know who I can refer you to. I currently the Chief Growth Officer of a startup that has SaaS and Marketplace services. I’m in charge of growth strategy, revenue generation, customer retention, GTM strategy, pricing strategy, distribution channels, fun...


with a product like this, I believe you need to be in a location and position to show the product to consumers. Have you exhibited at The outdoor show, or Boat Show. This would be ideal for yacht clubs that move boats on trails at start and end of season? Setting a booth or display at local yach...


Nearly every high-profile speaker has a website outlining their process, fees, and requirements for speaking engagements. They also have instructions on how to contact and book them.


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