
Results for: Sales

It takes time for search engines to properly index your websites. Changing the entire website within a 3 month timespan will impact your SEO for sure. Search engines love it when websites are easily identifiable. If your site looks like it's going through a mid-life crisis, it's not going to rank...


Yes! But is very tricky. I have a C Corp own two LLCs. You should have separate board of directors in the C Corp that are not owners in the LLCs. Pay through bonuses rather than salaries and aggregate expenses of the LLCs as op. expenses as SBUs of the corp. The reasons for having a C own LLCs ...


You'd want unique descriptions on each directory. Google wouldn't necessarily penalize you if 50 directories had the same description of your site, but those listings/links would be less valuable in Google's eyes and it's likely only one of them would be indexed. The more work you put in the mo...


Hi, Legitimate question. Business wise, it would not make sense to train someone who you know - in advance - is going to be a competitor. That said, there are so many competitors in the industry that you are talking about, so this makes what your partner is doing a little less strange. The ide...


If your concern is from an ethical standpoint or a concern over a segregation of duties, there is no problem at all having your tax person handling your bookkeeping. The bigger issue is something that few people understand about accountants. There are different specialties within accounting, a...


Hi. I am a business coach and mentor and have started a number of successful businesses. There is no reason why you can't have two different businesses in the same location. There are two questions I would ask: Will the two businesses work to complement each other? Are there aspects of either bus...


According to Clarity's documentation, no. The client suggests times and there is some expected back and forth before a mutually agreeable time is agreed upon. Details here:


I don't have a lot of experience directly with journalists, but in my experience not really. If one of them was interested but couldn't do it in the first place they would send the piece around the office to see if anyone else wanted it. At least that's how it's worked with talent agents and en...


I think your best bet for an answer has three answers, 1. You need to take the time and call around, no one is going to do this for free for you. 2. Hire a function planner, and let them do the work 3. go to, and hire a person to do all that research for you, and get your answ...


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