
Results for: Small Business

There are many free or low costs things you can do: Marketing on Facebook or Linkedin (depends on what you offer) Contests Influencers Killing testimonials Pick up the freaking and make phone calls (you have to learn sales. Any business is 90% sales). Sales is scary but there are lots of easy way...


Have to listen carefully in every transaction that you make in your business even if it's small don't make any loss anything that is a big profit even if it's $1 it's a profit so be careful on your prices make a calculation every time you deliver your service make sure you make a profit everyone ...


I think there are multiple issues going on and I would honestly love to work with you on this as it looks like an actual challenge for me. I'm a business consultant and really do only like working with real hurdles that challenge me. One thing that stands out is your branding - or lack of. Y...


If you have an already established business then the strategy would be different and if you are going to launch the same kind of business in India then the steps would be different. Keeping your words in consideration that you want to grow it, it means you already have such business with you, no...


Great question! This is a similar issue all enterprise-focused companies face, which I've experienced many times. I'd recommend creating content that leverages your experience: 1. Create detailed case studies about each of your large projects, featuring the customers branding clearly. Seek permi...


The answer to your question is YES But before I continue to think about this beautiful concept, Maybe I should check out why cars in the 90's and 80's are no longer circulating in Japan!


I'm reading a book called, "Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a Successful Startup" written by Bill Aulet. The 24 steps are broken down into six categories: 1: Who is your customer? 2: What can you do for your customer? 3: How does your customer acquire your product? 4: How do you make ...


Web marketing tends to be very time consuming, especially when you consider how vast it is. Pulling together all the components of SEO, content, website architecture, analyitcs and social media, you can be looking at 5-20 hours per week. The larger the site the higher that number goes. Social med...


Hello! What you are asking after, is an age old business challenge; One that can be addressed, utilizing the modern tools of social media, to help stake your product and service position. The competition are doing what they are supposed to do; They are selling the ‘sizzle’ not the steak; by ...


You need a CRM system that manages incoming leads. I am a beta tester for and Stewart there will give you an awesome walk-through.


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