
Results for: Social Media

It's far less important than it used to be, because so many social media businesses are much more reliant on their apps than their desktop websites these days. Instagram launched (and grew fast) with the domain, for instance.


You've asked a lot of questions here. And I can say that these approaches are all valid. > companies that bury their blog are often tentative about it. Someone in the company has decided that it doesn't warrant attention - perhaps it's not ready for prime time. > Industry-wide stand-alone pub...


Sometimes what happens, socially with older blogs is that they get picked up by a media writer, think Yahoo columns. They'll credit you and link back but won't even ask you. Maybe someone found it and posted on Reddit or tumblr. Because you have a picture of Gandhi and the title itself is kind ...


I specialize in handling digital marketing with small businesses in Toronto. Most of the small business owners have a limited budget and they are overwhelmed by the fact as to how they can compete with the bigger players out there. The solution is to use a combination of inbound & paid marketing...


How to best market your product will depend largely on what your product is, and how far along you are in having a 'minimum viable product' (MVP: For instance, word of mouth advertising at your college may be the best route, but below is a ge...


One solution could be to use smaller, more portable cranes or hoists in place of large cranes. These smaller cranes can still handle heavy loads and be moved around the construction site more easily, but they may be more affordable for smaller businesses to purchase or rent. Additionally, there a...


As an agent for 20 years, I have represented several life coaches. much of the 'niche' you create is based on your own personal life experience. for example, i worked with someone who started off teaching young men to have confidence. later he realized that what he had learned from all those c...


I don't think being Pinterest-only is too specific. It is an overlooked, yet valuable, social media platform that most don't know how to effectively use for their business. When you're setting out to be an expert, you need to be prepared to answer what makes you different than the competition. I...


First of all, it is VERY important that you are uploading your videos natively to Facebook, as opposed to simply sharing a YouTube link. Facebook will penalize you for sharing the link, but greatly reward you for uploading the video natively. Whether or not you are already doing that, the easies...


Hey Lucas, I've been selling technology solutions for 6+ years now and one of the companies I worked with, Visually, sold animations/short form videos to content creators and companies. After taking a look at your website, I already see one marketing method that does not cost too much money for...


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