
Results for: Social Media

Sounds delicious. I LOVE ice coffee. My advice is to definitely generate buzz on social media as well as a series of YouTube videos of every day people using the unit and enjoying the iced coffee. Some ideas: 1. Join a coffee lovers group on Facebook and LinkedIn. More importantly, an iced coff...


Hi there! In few words, the launch date does not matter a lot as long as you are following with a continuous marketing plan all the year. It is better to tune your lunch date according to your marketing campaign than connecting it to the seasonal event. The timing of your launch only matters if ...


Congrats on both building your product and getting it out there! I have 2 tips for you... Tip #1: Consider a shift in the way you are thinking about this... Your question states that you are looking for an "outstanding idea" to monetize your app. So here's the shift in thinking: Consider ...


I’ll take it as a given you are operating a “brick & mortar” construction (equipment rental) business and with this, allow me to propose a few “flexible” marketing moves, you may consider (online or offline): 1. PUBLICITY/PUBLIC RELATIONS - Online or social media write-ups; Offline publication w...


Having gone through this multiple times either in new startups or for side projects, here is how I would approach turning your idea into an app. 1. Defining the Minimum Viable Product Your first goal with any new idea should be about proving the idea and finding a market that wants the app you ...


In order to build a bigger fanbase start by creating some anticipation post on social media as well as your blog. You can even release parts of the e-book an an opt-in to email them when it's complete. In the anticipation stage however, I would not recommend going with pay per click or Facebook ...


For home services, Fridge Magnets are hands down the best marketing tool. US average is every person in a household visits their fridge 13x times daily, so 13x * 365 days/year == 4745 impressions for <$5 one time fee to have magnet manufactured + mailed to homes. Talk with people familiar with ...


There are only two ways to do it. Option 1: You could just post an update on your feed saying, "hey everyone I'm headed to [conference] on [date] in [location]. Let me know if you're around and we can meet up!" That will at least get to people that check in on Linkedin occasionally. Option 2: T...


After advising and marketing for tech companies for over 13 years, and for as much as I value my own profession, there is no escaping this path: Start by getting your first 10 customers. No joke. That is harder than it looks. You can do this via social media, cold calling, personal networks, do...


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