
Results for: Social Media Marketing

Hi! So I'm a snarky business coach helping startups and enterprises internationally. First my snarky thought: Many novice entrepreneurs and or aspiring crowd funders wait until the campaign is live to commit any effort to the project - the reality is that you should always prepare ahead of time...


There are only two ways to do it. Option 1: You could just post an update on your feed saying, "hey everyone I'm headed to [conference] on [date] in [location]. Let me know if you're around and we can meet up!" That will at least get to people that check in on Linkedin occasionally. Option 2: T...


Hello Areriel, It can be hard to know where to start at beginning. What I suggest you do it to start a blog about the things you'd like to be doing. Then start building you following on the social media. Use Facebook, Twitter and Google+ to connect and engage with industry professionals. Go to...


I found a couple of articles with some stats and BUT nothing specifically comparing landing page results with Linked In. FWIW my view on all social me...


First of all: good luck. Seeing how you have a limited budget, I would select the following 3 strategies: 1. Affiliate marketing: offer affiliates a fee for every referral that converts into an actual ‘sale’. This way, you aren’t really paying anything out of pocket, but rather the payment is co...


After advising and marketing for tech companies for over 13 years, and for as much as I value my own profession, there is no escaping this path: Start by getting your first 10 customers. No joke. That is harder than it looks. You can do this via social media, cold calling, personal networks, do...


Consider service providers which work in specific employee sub-segments. For example, create a relationship with service providers servicing the aboriginal segment. This is just an example, but you can work with service providers who hire people with certain disabilities, etc.. Service providers...


Imho I think they are very valuable. I know the owner of a restaurant that told me he will carefully go through every Yelp review and call the one that lower his average of 4+ stars. He says many people search on their phone where to eat, and they use mainly Yelp, judging with stars first and rea...


Social logins are great because they allow you to tap into your user's network. But if your app doesn't have any viral capabilities, a social login becomes another registration form. To identify a potential viral factor in your app, answer the following questions: 1. What is a strong reason th...


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