
Results for: Social Media Marketing

Start with allocating about 1-2 hours a day to reach the industry communities you are affiliated with. We recommend to our clients to work on 1) Twitter 2) LinkedIn and 3) Google+. Our research has shown that the reach on Facebook is not as effective as it is on Twitter. We have clients who have ...


There are a few things you can do to grow your email list, and then use that list to grow your fanbase in general. First, it is important to research what works best for you. Different musicians have different fanbases, so the approach you take will depend on your music and what type of fan you ...


If you're in marketing, a great way to attract people to your website is through blogs writing. There are so many topics you can write about. Teach people something and they will come vack for more. The important thing when writing a blog is not selling your product. You have to write something u...


I struggled when i first made my account but found out if i used a hashtag that i created or tagged a brand/logo or the area in the photo that would draw more people into wanting to follow my account try not to put to much hashtags though because then it looks like your trying to hard, pre-mote ...


Having looked at your website, I'd suggest that an overhaul of your site is likely required prior to spending too much on new initiatives. I find the overall messaging of the site confusing and somewhat inconsistent with the description you've provided in your question detail. I'd be happy to s...


Yes FB is very strict about 20% test rule on the images. I typically do this.. 1 - Find an awesome image form free website (here are some) 2 - Add text or puzzle I want on this image 3 - Check the 20% rule using FB grid tool https://www.facebook.c...


Here are some tricks that work for me: + Laser the audience so that they are the best fit for the offer. Using interests, age, location, etc. or you will just flush money down the toilet. + Make sure ad images & copy match the landing page style so it feels seamless as visitors click thru + Op...


The best thing to do is to do physical, on-the-ground outreach. Part of the success of Tinder as well as many other apps before it were that they threw great parties and events on or near college campuses. The promise of free booze, free food, or really free anything will draw a crowd. Start i...


Putting aside the legal question for the moment, here's a bigger problem I think you will be facing: Of what benefit will users or advertisers have for this service? As I current understand what you are doing, this is asking to be abused on multiple angles. First, it only benefits advertisers ...


Some ideas: - Have Pokemon stuffed toys as things that are found on the scavenger hunt. Or have them as prizes, or have Pokemon 'currency' as a prize. - Set up Pokemon 'lures' through the app. They attract Pokemon and are used by businesses that want to bring traffic. You could place the lures a...


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