
Results for: Start-ups

Hi! I'm no expert on this but I'll give you my advice on my general insights... Because you are a small company, assuming just yourself and whether or not your competing with any other team, your website's route display is a huge plus from your potential clients perspective. It gives them an id...


It's hard to give a really cut and dried answer without knowing all the details, but here are some tips based on my experience: First the bad news: from the way your question is worded, it sounds like you built the app without validating first. What I mean by that is that you didn't go out to th...


This is a very complex question. I have personally gone through funding, I've used angellist and other platforms for this purpose. The reason for needing funds is not a concern for you at this time. Your concern is approach. Focus on that. Check out my blog Http://


You need to show them that you can solve their problems. The #1 mistake made by most applicants is that they keep talking about themselves: "here are my skills, here's what I've done, etc..." Instead of talking about yourself, talk about them: "You need someone who can jump right in; someone w...


I built Canada's first (and one of the world's first) crowdfunding websites that attracted over 115,000 members without any paid customer acquisition and distributed over $3m to charities so I can certainly attest to the fact that sites that focus on creating positive outcomes are attractive to m...


Congratulations on the launch of your Beta testing! That is half the battle. My advice would be to slowly do another round of Beta testing and inviting people who you know will give you good feedback and help you improve your app. Then in the mean time get PR to pump up your app again for launch ...


You can find startup job / cofounder opportunities at these sites: (choose the 'remote' option) If you'd like to talk about startup culture in general, or a specific idea you have an...


I think it would be vital to the company's survival that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined. If there's grey area, I've found that work tends to gravitate toward the more motivated party, and the social/power structure gets weird. I started a company with four founders, and we didn'...


One is a SERVICE. Services sometimes have issues with profitability when scaling. You end up managing people and profit margins stay the same or decrease. The other is a PRODUCT. Products generally scale better as the cost of product remains more or less the same (COGS). Many people start cons...


100M+ in revenues in 5 years or less does not happen very often. As an example of one sector, here is an interesting data visualization (circa 2008) of the 100 largest publically traded software companies at that time that shows their actual revenue ramp-ups from SEC filings (only 4 out of thes...


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