
Results for: Start-ups

I'd love to hear more. I'm a travel professional with 9 yrs in the industry.


It really depends on a lot of factors (i.e. type of business you are in, how much cash intensive it is ...). As a general rule though, I would advice you to BOOTSTRAP AS LONG AS IT IS POSSIBLE. Bootstrapping has a lot of advantages, nonetheless that you get in lean mode and make the best of e...


Q) What info would a buyer need in order to make an offer? Unsolicited offers rarely start out as offers. They start as conversations. Cold inbounds from potential acquirers are usually done to establish some facts and also willingness to entertain an offer. They need to have enough informatio...


That's a great question. I hope I understood it properly. In terms of the comp landscape, tools like are great for finding market value salaries for specific titles/locations. No need to hire someone there. For the rest, it seems like the expertise would be spread between an HR ex...


There are good approaches for Elance/Upwork/oDesk if you approach the job req. correctly. There are also private agencies. I've hired account reps more often via virtual assistant agencies directly than from Elance and it's ilk, but many times I'll use that platform to isolate good candidates and...


Get this book: (not an affiliate link) I'm a sales trainer, but Claude has put everything together in this book already so why reinv...


First of all, don't be afraid to share and exposing your business model. The Fear of stealing ideas is limiting you. I don't know your business model, your idea, your service or product, but no one of these will be the key of your success. The people, and how you talk to your market, will be. ...


There are various templates that you can find using a Google search. However, it is sometimes difficult for a founder with limited experience writing business plans to write a plan that is clear to outsiders - the founder is often too deep in the weeds. The first thing you need to do is be clea...


Regardless of the industry/website type, use a service like to get some qualitative feedback. It often reveals some of the technical or user experience issues that you can become blind to having worked on the site for so long. On the day of launch, put some kind of prominent bann...


Ask yourself: -Do you believe in their vision? -Would you leave everything you have to work with them to make their dream come true? -Do you have strong data that tell you that what they say will happen it's true? -Do you think the founders are the best to accomplish what they are going for? -Is...


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