
Results for: Start-ups

Not exactly sure what you mean. Typically you get an exit either because the company in which you invested is acquired or it goes public (there are other options, but those are the normal ones). Angel investors usually consider the acquisition potential when making an investment. If there are a l...


This isn't very unusual or creative, but really go down every path you can to connect with someone who works there. It's the best way to get your resume past the initial gatekeepers. Some ideas: - Are you connected to anyone at the Startup on LinkedIn - invite them out to coffee -Does any alum...


If they are offering equity as your payment then I'm surprised that they didn't come with a number. Or maybe they will. It's hard to give a firm answer because it all depends on how much money the two founders are investing on their own. If you say you'll invest equal portions then you can ask fo...


Quite a broad question. Agencies and publicists that are experienced have learnt many things over the years, which will all play part of best practice. As a staring point, would suggest you think about the following: - Ensure your pitch is concise and to the point. Lead with what is most newswor...


Great at the age of 22. Your concepts is really nice and extraordinary, it might you face a lot of compositors already but still you do your revolution your way. --------------------------- About value of startup. If your are calculating your startup >> Investment is the 1st part + Estimated yr...


Hi: It can be tough to focus on a market niche at first, especially when you believe in your solution. Yet your best results will come from focus--and you can expand later. Key considerations for you as you make your choice: * Where have you gotten the most customer validation for your platform? ...


If startups never entered markets with competition, we wouldn't have Google (Altavista was market leader), Lyft (Uber), Zoom (Microsoft/Skype) or countless other darlings that are now large publicly traded companies... It's more important to choose a market where you feel that you have a competit...


I've been working with funded startups for a couple years as a content marketing consultant and my business has grown significantly year over year. Relationships are the king of generating new business in this space. It's important to become a key part of the startup community in your area and ...


Some more information about your situation would help. What is your product? What problem does it solve for buyers? Do they acknowledge that problem exists, and value fixing it? Are they willing to trade money for your solution? Do you have a "ladder" for people to buy increasingly valuable thin...


Go to and scroll down to find the Startup Basics button. Felix Dennis was crystal clear in his book How To Get Rich that giving up equity was crazy. I agree with him. If, and only if, a co-founder can strongly impact the growth and effectiveness of the business...then I m...


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