
Results for: Start-ups

The job description of your ideal person is pretty vague. You've told us about YOUR background, and some of your marketing tools, but we don't know a thing about what you're looking for. -A Killer -Startup Experience -Industry Contacts -Act with Urgency But who are you looking for?


I've been in a very similar situation as yourself. In our case the company split into two for better operational flow. I was the CEO of one company and was trying to figure out how to structure the other one. Unfortunately, the answer to many of your questions depends on further details. But I'...


I think that's a hard question to answer in the abstract without knowing the extent of your IP, the relative market potential for the product, your desire or need for institutional investment, and the relative contributions of your future potential partners. Have you considered a dynamic equity s...


Hi First of all, the fact that you are talking about market validation is great. I've seen so many startups invest time and money, only to find that no ones wants/needs their product, or that they only want a certain aspect of it, or they aren't willing to pay the requested price. So you're alrea...


Hi, If you have a good pitch deck and a decent BMC (business model canvas), "all" you need to do is start sending it to investors. There are lots of free, online lists on the internet. The problem isn't finding them, it's making sure that you send the right pitch deck, the perfect emails/contact...


Hi, Please can you be more specific? Mentors, team and experts is very broad and would be used for different purposes. Are you looking for different people for different reasons for each of these or more generalist people? What do you need from these people? Feel free to give me a call to di...


It depends on the product or service that you're offering. The best way to prove a concept is to take orders. is a great tool for taking pre-orders online without charging customers until the product is ready. Otherwise, go where your customers are, talk to them, and identify the ...


Wow, lots of questions here. Let me try to hit them in order: "Should I get a job or find investors?" IF you have access to enough investor capital (not debt and not your savings) and you can get to MVP and still maintain ownership of a sizable majority of the business then do it. IF that...


Not a canadian lawyer. You should go find a lawyer that knows these things, doesn't mean you can't keep your old one ut if he doesn't know then you need to seek out a specialist that does for that specific matter.


Would rather suggest you focus on current buyers and either table a deal you expect to them or walk away and then solicit other bids...See two prev messages re soliciting bids.


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