
Results for: Start-ups

The best mentors aren't those who are super successful and noteable, they're the ones who have been through what you're about to do 3-5 years ago. Using that filter, find companies that you admire the are growing and have a great brand around them - then approach the founders/CEO and ask them if...


High net-worth individuals familiar with the industry or credit cards. Visa can make an amazing investor, just be sure to ask for money when you don’t need it.


It's never too early to bring in experienced people. At an early stage company you're operating with limited resources and you can't afford to waste time making other people's mistakes again. Bring in experienced people as soon as possible. If you think you can't afford them, try to find peopl...


Please realize that my suggestion would be slightly different if I knew which two countries. However, without knowing that here's what I'd suggestion: 1. Since you're just getting started figure out which country provides the best legal benefits for starting a company. This should include tax be...

Continue and are two places to start. I would also buy premium access to provides a full list of Venture Capitalist by sector who has invested in what and what are their portfolios composed of


Mike, I am assuming you'd have gained significant insights on the probable demand for your application. If I build, they will come could be a fatal proposition to presume. I am telling this, both, after having worked with numerous entrepreneurs as an independent consultant to working with startu...


There is a tremendous amount of buzz surrounding content marketing and its need within a brand’s overall marketing strategy. Doing content marketing is much more than publishing on your blog occasionally and posting your thoughts on social media. “Do stuff and maybe it will work” is not a strate...


Hello, If you have time, I suggest that you learn coding yourself. That saves you money but takes a great amount of time to do. And if your interested, I'm a coder myself. You can give me a call and we'll discuss the details of your idea.


I can tell you that this proposed structure will significantly reduce NewCo's ability to raise additional capital. The idea too that the startup's valuation can jump from less than $200,000 to $10m just through the creation of an MVP in a relatively short period of time is also unrealistic. If ...


Building a team is no different then dating to find a life partner. I would follow these steps. 1. Find the locations with a target rich audience. If you're looking for technical skills, go to developer meetups, conferences, etc. Ask who the smartest person in the room is, spend time with tho...


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