
Results for: Start-ups

Designer. Specifically a UX "designer" as you say, who doesn't just draw screens, and won't draw any for weeks or months. They will not just use their knowledge but will go out and talk to users, observe how they solve the same problem today, and help create the scope of work, and design the basi...


Ugh. Investors. Here's the harsh or maybe happy truth. If your Startup offering (product, service, information, courseware, consulting, etc) provides stellar value, then you require no investment. Do your launch + if money starts pouring in, either skip the investors of if you really must use ...


Totally agree with Andy's answer. But I just went to your site and I think you should really optimize your sign-up flow before spending any money or effort to acquire customers. Your current multi-step process and required information is far too cumbersome to efficiently acquire sign-ups. I wo...


It really all depends on - if your putting in any money - How much your salary will be (market rate or lower)? - existing investors - if they're revenue generating - how long the companies be around Essentially it's the risk profile of the company that you're coming into. If it's an idea and yo...


Short answer: Of course! Many angel groups require you to submit through Gust because it offers a consistency and makes reviewing applications easier. But not all use Gust same as not all use AngelList... I haven't met an angel who frowns upon using multiple platforms. I would encourage you t...


I don't know any specifics about how these companies do things, but this part of what they do doesn't seem like it'd be especially hard. The various music service APIs provide ways to search their libraries for a string so you could do a reasonable first stab that way. Youtube's API provides th...


It depends on the potential for growth of valuation in your business. If 5 years from now, you think you think "moderate" success is most likely (a few million in ARR as a Saas business as just one example), then using your equity to buy services might actually be *worth* it. But if you're purs...


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