
Results for: Start-ups

Having a prototype is essential if you want investors to take you seriously. So good job on getting that. It would be very good if you can also get a designer to also make 1 or 2 sleek representations of your vision for what some key screens of the app could eventually look like. These screens ...


Definitely a C-Corp in Delaware. You can use the SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity). That's a better version of the convertible note, made by Paul Graham from Y Combinator. You can find it on his personal website. You should buy the best seller book THE ART OF STARTUP FUNDRAISING by Alej...


1. It's a nice idea - very similar to Houzz and a few other existing platforms - so you would need to find more of a niche. In order to tell you if it's viable, I/you would need to know how you intend on bringing traffic, what your conversion rate will be (visitor to buyer), how much it costs you...


I'll answer the question two ways: First, a note of caution. The recruiting space is incredibly crowded (I'm an angel investor in a company in this space) and there are already a few companies addressing exactly the pain point you're describing, mostly through social proof, contesting, and othe...


I disagree with Sal's answer that you shouldn't be pitching at conferences. I built a good chunk of my early network doing exactly that. To be clear though, Sal is right that most investors hate being "pitched" at a conference and that's because the vast majority of founders do it completely wr...


The best way to test a person's talent is to put them to work in the reality of your business. If these folks are all onboard for being partners, promise to give them a cut of all deals they bring in. Structure the plan so that the contract lasts three months. Then, let them prove themselves and...


Convertible notes are by no means "earned." They are often easier to raise for early-stage companies who don't want to or can't raise an equity round. Equity rounds almost always require a simultaneous close of either the whole round or a defined "first close" representing a significant share o...


Congratulations on the entrepreneurial spirit it takes to start a business. The better you can demonstrate the outcome from their investment, the less of a risk you'll be perceived to be. The best way to find any money for investment is to anchor the costs of the investment against the financial...


I would storngly suggest you to consider a 4th optinion which is much cheaper and with a higher chance of giving you return. I've personally used this strategy to start my consulting business from 0 to 12 clients in the first 3 months. Here's exactly what you can do. How You Can Generate 5 to ...


If you're just working on an MVP you can use a freelancer sight like Upwork, but you have to be careful in your hiring. 1) Post a job stating everyone that applies should give you their github / bitbucket username and Trello username. 2) For the top 5 most promising people to apply, give them a...


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