
Results for: Start-ups

Given that you are marketing your ability to build websites and mobile apps, your website lacks a lot of credibility as compared to other vendors offering similar services. A few specific examples: Links to what might be apps that your firm has previously built, link to almost illegible screens...


My recommendation would be to outsource for as long as possible and focus your time and energy elsewhere. Build the simplest, least expensive solution possible and test whether there is sufficient marketplace demand for the concept before investing one dime more than necessary. Cheers, Frank


I suggest doing some of your own research and brainstorming first, to help you craft questions to ask people. Then: simply ask. Use surveys, social media and face to face and try to change up the questions here and there to track consistency in answers.


From your question it appears you want a shelf-stable (no refrigeration required) product with a long shelf life. There are a number a factors that will determine your products shelf life, to be clear, adding a seal is not the only requirement to create a shelf-stable product. The good news is ...


It's best to keep everything in a single company to start with. Before going further with my answer, I'm compelled to tell you that launching multiple products *rarely* works and unless you have very significant prior success, most investors will take interpret diversification as a very negative...


There is no such list and that's not the way you'd make a connection with a great advisor anyway. First, your best advisor won't care that your company is based in Southeast Asia. Focus on identifying people who have significant expertise and credibility in your business area. Make your own ...


When the cost to acquire each additional paid user: -is less than the prior user you are in viral growth. -is equal to the prior user you are growing. -is more that the prior user than you are starting to reach maturity (but possibly not there yet). -is equal to what you are willing to pay then...


This is a good route to take and the same one I took after leaving undergrad. An MBA is for the birds, anyways ;) First things first, take credit where credit is due! You're a founder now it sounds like, and you're working on your first MVP I'm guessing (hoping?) as well. At the very least, get...


Delaware C-Corp I usually Delaware is the best choice for any startup looking for fundraising with a US focus. However, if you are a remote and global team, an overseas or foreign corporation or US tax purposes might make sense. You'd have to talk to an advisor who can dive into your situatio...


If it's just two of you then you need not worry about creating a shareholding agreement. The partnership deed is sufficient enough to cover it in a simplistic way i.e. 50:50 or whatever ratio you two chose. However, if there're going to be numerous co-founders with split of roles and responsibil...


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