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ArticleHow Do I Fire a Co-Founder?

How Do I Fire a Co-Founder?

“Damn, I’m going to have to part company with Debbie – how do I even do that?”

Firing a co-founder isn't like an employee termination, it's more like a divorce. It's messy, it's complicated, and it usually involves both parties being poorer for it.

But unlike a divorce, there's not a lot of discussion out there about what is even possible or where to turn.

Let’s dig in, shall we?

Can I legally "fire" a co-founder?

As an employee, almost anyone can be fired, although there may be jurisdictional laws in your area of the world that require certain steps or conditions.

But co-founders are typically not just employees – they own stock (usually, a lot of it) – so these conditions become far more complicated. Plus, some of these issues may exi...

Article7 Lifestyle Choices of a Successful Entrepreneur

7 Lifestyle Choices of a Successful Entrepreneur

1. You will never take a “real” vacation again.

I am 7 years in and I have come to accept that it is not possible for me to take a “movie vacation” — ya know on a beachfront bungalow with no internet connection, remote from the working world…. And let’s be real — to an entrepreneur that simply doesn’t actually sound fun or relaxing at all. My ideal lifestyle is to be semi-connected on vacation. I’m a phone call/text message away and I will choose when to respond to emails. That may be the extent of my ability to fully “vacation”…and I’m honestly ok with that. Just as I sleep better when my kids are under my roof, I also sleep better when I’m accessible to my business.

2. You will decrease your friendship pool.

Where do most people find the...

ArticleThe Secret to Crafting an Irresistible Elevator Pitch

The Secret to Crafting an Irresistible Elevator Pitch

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before: a Founder and a VC walk into an elevator…

In all seriousness, if you’ve spent any time swimming in the startup waters, you’re probably familiar with the idea of the elevator pitch. But in case you missed that day in Founder School, the scenario is this:

Say you got in an elevator, and standing in that elevator was the one person that could make or break your business. You have the length of that elevator ride to convince this person to get on board. And no, the electricity can’t suddenly cut out and leave you with a couple of hours to fill instead of a handful of seconds.

Well — What the @#*! do you say?

There’s a reason the elevator pitch has become such an icon of entrepreneurship. And it’s not be...

ArticleIs the Unicorn Startup a Myth?

Is the Unicorn Startup a Myth?

Unicorns are a beautiful myth — but are unicorn startups a myth, too? At first glance, the answer is “no.” The definition of a unicorn startup is a company with a $1 billion valuation. Uber is a unicorn startup. Airbnb is a unicorn startup. Facebook is a unicorn startup. So are WeWork, Spotify, Stripe, and a couple hundred other companies you probably haven’t heard of. Those are real companies that have achieved “unicorn” status, so that means unicorn startups are real, right?

Well, not quite.

First, let’s talk about how we get to that $1 billion valuation. There are a few different ways to determine the valuation of a startup but, basically, it’s what your investors believe your company is worth, based on the metrics your company has compi...

ArticleWhen Should Someone Else Run my Company?

When Should Someone Else Run my Company?

With such high stakes and low standards, it's not hard to imagine many startup Founder/CEOs are sitting around wondering "Shouldn't someone else more qualified be better at this job?"

The answer is "Yes" — and yet you should probably be the one doing it anyway.

"There has to be someone more qualified, right?"

If we're looking at just resumes, yes, our resume would probably not make the cut. We don't have that MBA in Finance, we've never grown a big brand, we've never hired a full staff, we've never raised money for a company before.

Wow, now that we think about it, we're more unqualified than when we asked the question!

But that's not what qualifies a startup CEO in the formative years.

In the formative years, the qualification to be a s...

ArticleTerm Sheets: What You Need To Know

Term Sheets: What You Need To Know

What is a term sheet?

In the context of startups, term sheet is the first formal — but non-binding — document between a startup founder and an investor. A term sheet lays out the terms and conditions for investment. It’s used to negotiate the final terms, which are then written up in a contract.

A good term sheet aligns the interests of the investors and the founders, because that’s better for everyone involved (and the company) in the long run. A bad term sheet pits investors and founders against each other.

Let’s take a look at the elements of a good term sheet — and some elements every founder should be sure to avoid.

What is included in a term sheet?

While each term sheet is going to be different, depending on the specifics of the star...

ArticleAdding Staff Isn't a Sign Of Success, Revenue Is

Adding Staff Isn't a Sign Of Success, Revenue Is

Celebrating adding staff is like celebrating the cost of a wedding — it's the liability, not the achievement.

It seems like everyone loves to champion the importance of "scaling our staff," whether it's the media or our local government talking about job creation (when is the last time a startup was successful because it met a job creation metric?) Of course, we proudly announce we're hiring because it implies that our business is doing well, right?

While that may be true, the reality is adding staff still falls under the cost bucket of our income statement, and while those important hires may help us grow revenue, the important distinction is that they are not, in fact, revenue.

They are actually a massive cost, and in most startups, by fa...

ArticleThe Definition of a Successful Startup Is Surprisingly Complex

The Definition of a Successful Startup Is Surprisingly Complex

The words “successful startup” seem pretty straightforward at first glance. But, what do you picture when you hear them? A unicorn? A world-famous company, like Twitter or Facebook? A small company bootstrapping and grinding through the night, with steady growth? A lifestyle business? A thriving brick-and-mortar shop? A string of failures, followed by the perfect product/market fit?

Like so many things in the startup world, the definition of what a successful startup truly is can be elusive — and frustratingly subjective. While some founders might strive for that billion dollar valuation, others measure their success by how happy their customers are or the biggest impact they’ve made on the world. When we dig past the visions of unicorns da...

ArticleHow We Built an 8-Figure Business by Saying “No”

How We Built an 8-Figure Business by Saying “No”

At, we built an 8-figure business by saying "no" — a lot.

We knew going in that if we’re going to have 100% control of our destiny now and in the future, that would only work if we could constantly say "no" in a disciplined manner.

But you know what? Saying "no" sucks. Just like saying "no" to delicious glazed donuts sucks. We know that we want them, but we also know the cost of saying "yes"! Now I'm hungry for a glazed donut. See what I mean? We knew that controlling our destiny would mean an insane amount of discipline, across the entire organization. In order to prepare ourselves for this discipline, like any good regimen, there were a few things that we'd have to stay incredibly focused on.

We had to be OK with things takin...

Article10 Top Up-And-Coming Startups to Watch in 2018

10 Top Up-And-Coming Startups to Watch in 2018

Let’s talk top startups of 2018. But first of all, did you know that entrepreneurs create more than six million new businesses in the United States every year? Sifting through those multitudes is impossible, even for startup junkies. And when you consider the high number of startup failures, the shifting sands of the startup landscape become even harder to track.

So how can you possibly know what’s good? How can you separate the wheat from the chaff? How can you ever know what the top startups are?

Well, one way is by relying on experts who interact with new companies every day. And it doesn’t get more expert than the team at Fundable, the largest business crowdfunding platform that’s exclusively about helping startups raise money. Fundabl...

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