
Results for: Start-ups

Ad words is not marketing. It is just the beginning.. Web marketing includes SEO, SMM, ads, facebook marketing, twitter marketing, youtube, limkedin..etc. besides, it is more important to get engaged to people. Interaction in blogs, forums , discussions.. You may also think of having sales peo...


The trial period is your courtship period, and the best opportunity to convert the user into a paying customer. Areas of focus - on boarding communication that includes welcome email, on boarding education of the platform, links to additional material on product/service - timely communication th...


1. Figure out your current 'market rate' based on your brand, experience ..etc using tools such as, your current salary, references (similar professionals nearby). 2. Ignoring salary, think about what this job can do to your career - get to work with / build relationships with gre...


You need to publish tidbits of how to accomplish this online for free to become an authority on the subject. When you become known for this then companies will pay you to consult on it. In the short term, partner with development shops who build apps for customers. Get them onboarded as rese...


Unless you need to be incorporated to complete trial sales, market fit testing...don't do it. Wait until you can afford the couple thousand dollars it will cost you and or until you get an investor if you will go for one. a C corporation is most likely your best bet. Fairly is all on perspect...


Your Main Problem: Lack of credibility in the US market. Nobody knows you. They doubt you'll stick around. They're afraid they'll send you money and you'll disappear. This is *after* they manage to notice you exist! So you have a double challenge: first to reach your target market, then to ass...


First, congratulations on going the entrepreneurial route! You have a situation that is very common and one that can cause frustration so you're smart to identify it early. Branding, skills and experience are all external to you. They are the building blocks you use AFTER you've determined th...


I would rather work 80 hours per week on a project I was passionate about than 40 hours a week on a project I didn't care about. You're right, there is no "right answer". You have to know what will get you out of bed each morning and excited to tackle new problems and challenges.


Some suggestions on how to pitch to journalists: 1. Pitch with a very interesting sentence headline (the title and headline needs to capture the journalist's attention and interest) 2. Convey an interesting storyline or something that is impactful. Everyone likes a good story. 3. Be concise and ...


Simple answer. Yes. Do less. Kick ass at the things you do. I too was very much a doer of everything when I started out, and learned the painful way that one of the most successful traits I see across the successful entrepreneurs I meet daily is FOCUS. Try to start with the big questions. What ...


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